If you've ever struggled to learn Barre Chords (don't worry, almost all of us have struggled with them at some point), this little guitar exercise in Open E tuning will help you to develop a strong index finger.
Plus, you'll be able to jam right away once you tune your guitar like this.
Enjoy, and keep practicing those barre chords. It'll pay off with a bit of practice.
Aloha friends,
I want to invite you to something that I feel has the potential to be a magical Maui evening you won't want to miss.
Let me give you a bit of back story about why I think this Evening Of Acoustic Soul has so much potential to be a once in a lifetime gig.
A couple of months ago, I was meeting a friend at the Wednesday farmers market at the Waipuna Chapel in Kula. While chatting with my friend, I overheard this down and dirty Delta Blues guitar slide in the background.
Without hesitation, I hurried over to where this stunning tone was coming from. The sound was simply too good to ignore. I had to see who was playing this incredible music.
10 seconds later, I'm standing in front of Dayan Kai with a grin across my face.
As he finished up the song, I introduce myself and we got to chatting. Instantly, I liked the guy, bought his CD, and asked if he'd like to get together for a jam.
What happened next was pure Maui Magic!
Dayan and his wonderful partner Maya came...
Hey, all you beautiful people.
I'm excited to be performing with my favorite songstress and musical pal Tracy Blackman at 8 pm October 11th @ Wu Wei Tea Temple located at...
1820 Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Fairfax, CA
I'd be delighted to see ya there!
In this clip, Jimmy Dillon performs "Might Long Road" from the Rituals album @ The Sweetwater Music Hall in Mill Valley California. Enjoy 🎸❤️😀
Love & Freedom, the title track from the debut album of the San Francisco Music Club. The San Francisco Music Club, led by Jimmy Dillon and Lorin Rowan, founding members of Marin County's own, The Edge, have transformed their high energy rock/reggae sound into an exciting and colorful cross-pollination of styles and genres; a world music experience that draws from Afro-Cuban/Hi-Life, funky New Orleans grooves, R&B as well classic Jamaican roots music reminiscent of Bob Marley & The Wailers.
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